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Foley Concierge HomeCare has significant experience hiring and training exceptional caregivers for medical and non-medical services. Whether you are looking for a specific skilled caregiver, such as a companion, personal care aide, CNA, LPN, or RN, you’re in need of medical equipment management, or you would like a team to oversee and manage the entire spectrum of care, you can trust Foley to find and train reliable, qualified individuals who integrate with and understand you and your family. We interview and conduct background checks and thorough reviews of credentials for every candidate, so we can say with confidence they will, "care well."

Glowing granny

Non-Medical Care

Truly exceptional elder care considers the wellness of the client on a holistic level, from their medical needs to their social and emotional state. For this reason, non-medical care can be just as important as skilled medical care when developing a plan to optimize an aging person’s quality of life. This is where personal care companions play a vital role.

Party grandma
  • Personal Care Companion

A personal care companion is a special type of caretaker. Their work is balanced between two important categories: social support and activities of daily living.


Much of the personal care companion’s focus is the client’s wellbeing, which is nurtured via social interaction and emotional connection. The companion and the client may run errands, go on outings and to social events, or play games together to alleviate feelings of loneliness or isolation. The time they spend together and the friendship that develops between them is shaped by what the client likes to do and their shared dynamic.


Personal care companions help the client with activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), with the goal of helping the client maintain their physical health and safety at home. Depending on what the client needs, this may include bathing, dressing, grooming, using the restroom, and moving throughout the home. Personal care companions may take on more household tasks as well, such as meal prep, and feed the client their meals. Many personal care companions undergo more formal training for these types of tasks, so they can execute more delicate activities, such as brushing teeth and showering, with more skill.

High Fives

Skilled Care

In-home skilled care ranges from a certified nursing assistant (CNA) to a highly skilled, registered nurse (RN). In some cases, hiring in-home skilled care means the client can stay at home, instead of being admitted to a healthcare facility. You can trust Foley to hire the right person for your situation and train them to go above and beyond your expectations.

Medical Team
  • Registered Nurse (RN)

An RN is a highly skilled care provider who can carry out many different home care services and procedures. This may include managing chest tubes, feeding tubes, catheters, ostomies, and medications, including intravenous medications. RNs can also care for wounds and support rehabilitation after surgery or injury.


A high-tech RN is a step above an RN. High-tech RNs provide care for clients who have complex needs, are medically fragile, or depend on medical technology. High-tech RNs are ideal for clients who rely on mechanical ventilation, have received a tracheotomy, are taking intravenous drugs, or need very frequent care to monitor a complicated condition.

  • Licensed Professional Nurse (LPN)

An LPN has many of the same skills as an RN: he or she can administer medications and treatments, collect samples, take vitals, and keep the client comfortable. However, they tend to be more task-oriented. In other words, an LPN will perform all the care tasks outlined in a treatment plan, but an MD, RN, or Nurse Practitioner will create the treatment plan. 

  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

While the work of a CNA is not technically considered “skilled nursing,” these professionals are qualified for a wide range of important care tasks. CNAs can handle some medical care activities, such as wound care, monitoring of vitals, and assistance with medical procedures. Still, they’re also trained for daily care: grooming, feeding, bathing, and helping clients turn over in bed or move from one room to another.

Blood Pressure Exam
Medical Consultation
Elder Taking a Shower

Medical Equipment Service

Caring for an elderly person living at home requires keeping a healthy stock of important supplies on hand. Depending on the needs of the individual, this may include disposable gloves and wipes, bed liners, specialized skincare products, bandages, and diapers, among others. With busy schedules and the many moving parts of daily life, the risk of running out can be high. Thankfully, with our inventory management support system, Foley can take this off your shoulders. We’ll handle the procurement and management of medical equipment and supplies, so the client always has what they need.

Carewell med supply

Care Management

If you’re looking for additional support, Foley offers a robust menu of senior care management services for you to choose from. We can serve as your medical interpreter, your family mediator, your logistics manager, and countless others, depending on what you need.

Couple Sitting with Care Manager
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